Sunday, September 23, 2012

Math Stations Start Tomorrow!

I'm so excited to start math stations tomorrow because it is the first time that I am trying it out!  I'm going to be implementing the B.U.I.L.D. math stations, but I changed the names around a little.
B = Buddy Games
U = Understanding Manipulatives
I = Independent Work (journals & books)
L = Learn with Me! (guided math work with teacher)
D = Do it Yourself! 

I created a math journal page that students will get to put into their math journals each day that they are in the "I" station.  
You can pick up the math journal page here!

This week we are learning about number lines and number grids so here is what I'm planning on doing in our BUILD centers:
B = Top It (we did comparing numbers last week, so students will practice this skill) and Monster Squeeze (comparing numbers); Roll to 100 (introduced at the end of the week)
U = Students will roll a dice and hop on the number line forwards and backwards
I = Number of the Day and Numbers Before and After worksheet
L = Guided practice with me
D = Students will make their own number lines (on a sentence strip) and 100 grid.  

I'll post pictures of the work at the end of the week!

Here are two freebies for rolling and hopping on the number line and number grid...just click on the pictures!

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